
Welcome to the EAM2025 Registration!

Thank you for your interest in participating. Please follow the steps below to complete your registration and submit contributions:


Proposal submission NOW OPEN!!!

Submission Instructions

1º Once you choose one of the contribution types available, you have their specific instructions written, and a button below “Send Proposal”.

2º When you click on this button, your browser brings you to our official website, where you should click on “submit new abstract”.

3º Inside the new window open, its advisable to choose the contribution type of your abstract to fill their specific fields.

4º With your contribution type selected, and everything filled, just click on “submit”. and your abstract will be submitted.

dates & deadlines!

Proposal Submission Starts: Friday 1st, November 2024

Proposal Submission Deadline: Friday 10th, January 2025

Proposal Evaluation results:  Monday 10th, March 2025

Early Registration: Monday 31st, March 2025